Learn more about creating other report types and interactive data visualizations with Power BI Desktop

Embed other paginated reports in your report using sub reports.

Learn more about using your organizations email Using your organizations email address to sign up. By proceeding you acknowledge that if you use your organizations email, your organization may have rights to access and manage your data and account. Use the Report Builder ribbon to quickly add items your reports, launch table, chart, and map wizards, and format your report data Enter your email, well check if you need to create a new account.
Power bi download report pdf#
Craft pixel-perfect paginated reports ready for printing or PDF generation.Display your data in highly customizable tables, matrices, or charts.Connect to data sources both in the cloud and on-premises-including Power BI datasets.Open reports from, and publish reports to, Premium workspaces in Power BI web service.Reports published earlier arent downloadable. Reports must be published or updated after November 23, 2016. pbix file must have been uploaded to the Power BI service. The report must have been created by using Power BI Desktop and published to the Power BI service, or the. Power BI Report Builder is intended for use by existing Power BI Premium users. To download the file, you must have edit access to the report. Part of the Power BI product suite, Power BI Report Builder is used to create pixel-perfect paginated reports that are optimized for printing, PDF generation, or sharing with your team through the Power BI service. Power BI Report Builder is a tool for authoring paginated reports and publishing them to the Power BI service.